Sunday, December 4, 2011

Witness Experiment

Using images in a magazine, groups cut out images of people with similar characteristics. We then cut up their images so that all the facial features were seperate (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) Afterwards we mixed our images in a big pile in the center of the table, and were asked to then piece our images back together from memory. This exercise was to test our ability to be a witness, recalling key features of a person from memory. This information would be important to a crime scene investigator, to either I.D the victim or possibly the perpetrator.


  1. I like how detailed your posts are. Good explanation of all of our labs!

  2. The way you explained the process of this activity was very easy to understand. Nicely done!

  3. I like your explanation of the exercise, it's very easy to understand. Would you make a good eye witness?

  4. His rap sheet actually said that he had a restaining order against him, but I forgot to mention that in the story! Thanks!!
