Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crime Scene Investigation

Now it's time to pull all of the skills we have learned together! We were assigned into groups and given a crime scene to investigate that hel certain clues. Using those clues we were to develop a timeline of what happened at the scene.

Our scene was in a residential setting. In it, these clues were left behind:

Black high-heel: Size 8, Brand: Claudia

Two ripped notes: One saying "You'll never find her", matches characteristics of Smokey Johnson's handwriting, the other saying "Someone help me please.", matches characteristics of Tyese Jefferson's handwriting.

Plain Whorl fingerprint:

Ulnar Loop fingerprint:

Gold hoop earring:

Green and white fiber: Nylon

Yellow liquid (possible poison): Identified as Iodine

Footprint: 30 cm long, 11 cm wide, Brand: Vans

A+ Blood: Match to Tyese Jefferson

Hair samples: Identified as dog hair

Ulnar Loop fingerprint (left on glass):

Conclusion: We believe the victim to be Tyese Jefferson, who was kidnapped by Smokey Johnson. The note matching her handwriting and the note matching his correlates with this theory. We believe there was a struggle because of the one earing and shoe found at the scene, along with A+ blood, which matches Jefferson's blood type. The nylon found at the scene we believe was used to bind Jefferson, and the Iodine was used in a low dose to subdue her on account of her Thyroid condition. We believe Johnson gained entry into the household through a window, correlating with the footprint and fingerprint left on the window. Nothing is a deffinate indicator whether or not Jefferson is still alive.



  1. Wow! Its really cool you got this story from a few pieces of evidence!

  2. I really lke how you orgnized the pictures and information together. I really like your pictures! Who was the photographer who took them?

  3. What a great investigation! Do you maybe know the reason why she was Kidnapped by Smokey Johnson?
    But overall great work!
