Sunday, December 4, 2011

Drug Analysis

For this activity we had multiple compounds of 3 simulated drugs, Cocaine, LSD, and Meth. We were to identify the drugs by using chemical indicators and pH indicators. We mixed a small amount of the compound in with about 25 mL of water, then ran the tests. After going through and completing the tests on all 6 compounds we had successfully tested them for all of the drugs. This activity helped us better understand the importance of testing for drugs and the skills the forensic experts use to test for them.


  1. Written perfectly always!

  2. Short and well written. I have to agree with Natassja when I say that you continue to impress me with your writing.

  3. Nice work, Brad! Short, sweet, and to the point. The reflection at the end shows how your forensic knowledge had broadened over the course of this unit. Goob job!
