Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lip Print Analysis

In class we were asked to put on lipstick and place a lip print on an index card. Lip prints all have their individual characteristics just like finger prints, like the spacing between the bottom and top lip, the arch in the upper lip, and the size difference between the two lips.

After placing our lip prints, we identified 5 characteristics and wrote them on the card, then placed a print on a larger piece of white paper along with the other people in my group. We then switched tables and matched the note card with the lip print on the piece of paper that we thought matched each other. We successfully matched every pair of lips.


  1. It looks like you put a lot of effort into this, Brad! The picture perfectly balances the writing

  2. I agree with Natassja! Your writing is perfect and the way you organized your text and picture is clever and pleasing to the eye.

  3. The activity is well explained and the picture correlates well with the text. No suggestions on this post. Nice job, BRADLEY JEROME.
